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26 Random Acts of Kindness…
Today marks one week since the incredibly tragic & unreal school shootings in Newtown, CT. It's still impossible to process that something so senseless and horrific could be possible. And it may feel almost as hard to find ways to help in a situation that simply can't be corrected or made better.
But even though it's not as easy as offering money or supplies after a hurricane or an earthquake, there's always something we can do. Ann Curry found a way to call on people to do good on Twitter this week. She asked people to do 26 Random Acts of Kindness, one for each of the victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Immediately, people around the world were inspired to take on this challenge to show they cared. So many wonderful ideas were inspired, and people have found the most beautiful, simple, and unique ways to do something positive for others.
Take the challenge! Join the revolution! And share with everyone what your acts of kindness will be!
~NY Muse