Your Roadmap to Greatness

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3 Ways to Have a Better Day…

When someone asks you how your day was, how do you usually respond?  

I usually say it was just "ok."  Or more often I'll say it was "exhausting," "hectic," "busy," etc.  More than anything, I'm usually responding to how "not great" each day seems to be overall.  And I've noticed it seems to be the norm all around me.  No one is parading around sharing what a great day they're having.  Instead, the focus is on the not-so-fun parts of the day, which end up taking center stage.  And then before you know it, we look back on our day, and it seems like the whole day was just completely awful.  

But is it usually that bad?  It's rare that we stop to notice that even on a particularly difficult day, there are still moments of lightness & more-than-okay-ness.  We need to shift our focus to see more clearly.  Here's 3 ways that we can start having a better day today:

1.  Start viewing your day as a series of moments.  A day is not just one big block of time that will be just all good or all bad.  There will be lots of stuff in between.  

2. Stay present long enough to notice the shifts in your day.  If you're completely focused on how bad things are going, you'll miss the chance to notice a random act of kindness, or someone who made you laugh.

3. Make light of the positive parts of your day.  When someone asks you how your day was, don't gravitate towards all the negatives.  Highlight the good stuff.  Share some joy.  Turn the conversation around and inspire someone else to find the good in their day in return.  Watch the shift occur in you & others.  And suddenly, you find yourself feeling grateful for all the good stuff! 

~NY Muse