Your Roadmap to Greatness
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It’s Good To See You…
Sometimes it takes awhile to see the people we care about. We're busy. We have too much going on. And quite honestly, we forget how important it is to make the time now…not later, which may never come.
I was reminded of this over the weekend when someone couldn't make a plan to see me. No, let me re-phrase that — "wouldn't" make a plan, not that they "couldn't". And while I can easily get stuck on the why or how inconceivable it all was, that's really not what matters to me today. I'm pretty certain that none of it had anything to do with me at all. In fact, it rarely is ever truly the case. But instead, it's that many of us spend way too much time stuck in our own heads to actually give ourselves to others now…not later, which may never come.
Be aware of the passing of time and the importance of now, not later. You only have now. Make time for those you say are important to you. Now, not later.
~NY Muse