Your Roadmap to Greatness

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How To Welcome Criticism…

Criticism can be hard to hear.  No one wants to be judged or analyzed — at least not unfavorably.  But no matter the nasty packaging it may be wrapped up in, criticism can be a wonderful gift. 

It can be a wake-up call to something you've always known but refused to see.  It can be a reminder to get working on a fault you've overlooked for too long.  It can be a chance to take notice and make a choice about who you've been and who you really want to be.

Even when it's delivered in a harsh or hurtful way, don't let that be what you remember about the remark.  The takeaway should be positive — use the honesty to spur you into action.  Use criticism as a gift that will help you learn & grow into a better you.

~NY Muse