Your Roadmap to Greatness
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As Soon As…
As soon as I lose weight, I'll be happy.. As soon as I get a new job, life will be good.. As soon as I buy some new clothes, I'll feel great.. As soon as summer gets here, I'll be back to myself again..
Sound familiar??? We're all living in the future of 'As soon as.." while the present moment is passing us by. We want to skip over 'Now', which we're convinced can somehow be better, so we can quickly get to 'Later' and the promise of that something better.
But you can't skip Now. Now is where you are. So in the meantime, stop making yourself miserable until something better comes along. You know very well, that 'as soon as' that thing happens, you won't be happy for long anyway, because then you'll need something else to happen so you can be happy.
As soon as you realize all of this, you'll actually be present to making a choice to Be Happy Now. Do It!
~NY Muse