Your Roadmap to Greatness
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How To Walk In Your Own Shoes….
Each of us goes through life in our own way. We walk in our own shoes. And no one other than us really knows what that means. To the outside observer, many things are obvious: The way we carry ourselves, our sense of style, humor, or unusual quirks. But what's not always so obvious is the 'who' that lives inside that completely makes up all the parts of YOU.
You can be the kind of person that does your best to understand others, but that doesn't mean they understand you. You need to understand yourself first, before expecting anyone else to really know, connect, and relate to you. And once you do, you'll relate better to others & be able to share it too.
As The Help’s main character, Aibileen Clark, says, “No one had ever asked me what it feels like to be me. Once I told the truth about that, I felt free.”
Knowing what it means to be you & being able to share that with others is incredibly powerful. At the same time, it seems so simple & freeing. Because maybe that's all you need sometimes – a chance to tell others what it feels like to be you.
~NY Muse