How to Resist Arrest…

It's been a year since the Julia Cameron workshop I took that prompted my daily journaling to start again.  And I've kept up with it, journaling EveryDay, with the exception of the occasional lapse here & there.  But that little voice in my head is really on to me lately,...

How To Find Your Treasure…

"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are." ~Machiavelli, The Prince   There are many treasures hidden inside each & every one of us.  We're often so good at hiding them, no one ever gets to see them there.  In fact, we may...

How to Focus Your Thoughts…

At any given moment, there are a ton of thoughts in our heads competing for our attention.  Where are you most of the time in your mind?  Are you always focusing on your complaints?  On all that's lacking in your life?  On everything that's wrong?   Today...

How to Stay the Course…

When we're devoting ourselves fully and passionately to something, we're putting in a lot of our time and effort toward that goal.  We begin to live and breathe it, and we feel very connected to it.  We want it to happen.  We need it to happen. But what if it doesn't?...