40 Reasons I’m Happy at 40…

1.  I can now actually say: 40 is the new 20!  And even if it’s not, it certainly feels that way all of a sudden! 2.  God has blessed me with my favorite and most critical 3 C's: Comfort, Consistency, and Convenience in life 3.  I've traveled to at least 40 places...

How To Shift Gears…

Just because you've always reacted a certain way about things, doesn't mean you should continue to do so for the rest of your life.  Today & EveryDay:  Adjust your responses to match who you are today.  Those old automatic replies don't make sense anymore....

How To Power It Up…

We sometimes let the forces of nature pull us in different directions as if we have no power over it all.  We get swept away and can't keep our balance.  We feel unglued.  And all we really need is to stand still for a moment and just find the ground again.   You are...

How to Respond to Adversity…

"It is not the adversity itself that determines the shape of the future, so much as our response to the adversity." ~ Sherwin B. Nuland Once we find ourselves in a difficult situation, the first thing we forget is that we still have a choice in the matter.  Our automatic response...

How Time Will Tell…

Last day in May.  A week already since Memorial Day Weekend.  Six months into the new year now.  Eleven days til the big day.  Twenty-one days until the first day of summer. I'm forever counting days, evaluating time left, time passed, time spent, time wasted, time...

How To Make Yourself Useful…

While you're waiting for it all to happen, you might as well make yourself useful.  Keep busy.  Stay active.  Be productive.   And all will be ok.  In fact, everything is always already ok. ~NY Muse