Your Roadmap to Greatness

Sign up to instantly receive three tips to get you started on your Roadmap to Greatness


  • 40 Reasons I’m Happy at 40…

    1.  I can now actually say: 40 is the new 20!  And even if it’s not, it certainly feel

  • How To Shift Gears…

    Just because you've always reacted a certain way about things, doesn't mean you should conti

  • How To Power It Up…

    We sometimes let the forces of nature pull us in different directions as if we have no power over it

  • How to Respond to Adversity…

    "It is not the adversity itself that determines the shape of the future, so much as our respons

  • How Time Will Tell…

    Last day in May.  A week already since Memorial Day Weekend.  Six months into the new ye

  • How To Make Yourself Useful…

    While you're waiting for it all to happen, you might as well make yourself useful.  Keep b
