How to Stay the Course…

When we're devoting ourselves fully and passionately to something, we're putting in a lot of our time and effort toward that goal.  We begin to live and breathe it, and we feel very connected to it.  We want it to happen.  We need it to happen. But what if it doesn't?...

How to Disappoint…

dis·ap·point·ment noun -- the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations;   a person, event, or thing that causes disappointment.   We have all been disappointed by someone or by something, or even been disappointed...

How to Stick with it…

Sometimes we feel like we're on our way to greatness!  A great energy and determination take over, and nothing can stop us now!  Or can it??? It always seems that just then, an occasion comes to test the sincerity of your new path & the strength of your resolve.  An...