Not Bad At All…

Appreciate what you have.  Because maybe, it doesn't get any better than this.  And this, is pretty ok after all, isn't it? ~NY Muse

7 Feelings to Forget…

With SO many emotions to choose from on any given day, why not weed out some of the bad ones like these: 1. Anger 2. Fear 3. Jealousy 4. Anxiety 5. Pain 6. Negativity 7. Hate Acknowledge how they appear, take note of how they make you feel, then forget them & move on!  Focus on choosing...

Reminder: You Are Amazing!

You are amazing.  You are wonderful.  You always know deep down who you are, what you want, what you deserve.  There is no reason to doubt any of it.  Have faith.   Today & EveryDay:  Doubt your doubts about you.  Have certainty in the greatness of...