On Technology Overload…

The average smartphone user checks her or his device every six and a half minutes, which works out to around 150 times a day. Wow! That's a lot!!! Are you starting to think in Tweets? Itching to make your next status update? Getting antsy when you're away from your phone for too long (i.e. 30...

Do You YOGA?

According to a study released by Yoga Journal last month, the number of Americans practicing yoga jumped 29 percent, to 20.4 million โ€” or 8.7 percent of American adults โ€” since the previous study in 2008, when 15.8 million practiced.  

A Glass of Wine…

Americans consumed 784 million gallons of wine in 2010 (2.5 gallons per resident), up from 267 million gallons in 1970 (1.3 gallons per resident), according to the Wine Institute.