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Clearing Space…


When we think of clutter, it's usually a picture of a mess of stuff laying around our homes or our desks at work.  We imagine piles of papers, mounds of clothes, stacks of mail & unopened bills, and tons of tchotchkes that seem to have no real purpose.  It definitely adds stress to our lives when all is in such disarray.  So, it's important to Stay Organized and declutter our physical environments as often as possible .  

It's just as important to declutter your mind, body, and soul from time to time too.  For instance, you may be wasting your thoughts & energy on people who are an emotional drain instead of a joy.  Or you may be stuffing an already filled body with food you don't really want.  Or you may be charging your soul with so much negatitivity that there's no room for anything else.

The goal of reducing clutter is to eliminate the non-essentials and keep only what is needed.  Purge some of those unnecessary things.  Release & Simplify.  Clear Some Space!

~NY Muse