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How to Say YES to Work!

It seems at times that saying "Yes" to work is not that easy.  Of course, it depends on what kind of 'work' we're talking about.  If it's work I want to do – like reading a book that interests me, watching a TV show I love, or learning a new skill I've always admired – then I'm totally in with an overwhelming & capital YES.  

If it's the work of day-in/day-out "work" that people go to EveryDay, there seems to typically be an underlying & resounding "No" to it all.  It's just the way it is, I suppose.  But maybe it doesn't have to be.  Maybe there's a way to be more positive about it all, and let go of all that resistance that ultimately drains us EveryDay.

So, I'm trying to think about work in different terms.  Maybe it's like when I go to yoga.  When I'm there, my job is solely to focus on the task at hand: stretching, meditating, staying present to that moment and nothing else.  Nothing else matters or exists outside that room for that period of time. Most often, I'm pretty successful at accomplishing this feat.  It really is as if nothing else exists.  I'm just there.  And I'm saying "Yes" to the whole experience (well, maybe not when I'm praying for the plank pose to be released asap!)  I have a mission & a purpose for that time, and though I resisted it a lot when I first started classes, I've grown to accept & let go, and say Yes more & more.  

So back to work.  What if, in some way, I can view work like an activity such as yoga?  What if I arrived each morning with that same energy & dedication?  What if I consistently gave it my full attention, focus, and discipline like I do in yoga?  And what if I operated as if that was my only concern for that portion of my day?  Maybe it could work.  And maybe then, 'work' might feel less like work.  So maybe – and I'm still not completely sold on my own idea of getting work to work better for me – but maybe, I could challenge myself to saying Yes and seeing what happens.  

When I feel my mind wandering to other things, I'll just keep bringing myself back to center, like I do in yoga.  When the little voice tries to take me to another place, I will listen for a moment & then let it go.  I will remain clear.  I will accept my current status.  I will pay attention.  I will try.  I will choose to try, rather than avoid, reject, and give the usual response of "No". I will say YES.

Will it actually work?  Stay tuned….