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Know Thyself

Already almost a week into this exercise of "What Would A Wise Person Do", and I still can't really figure out if it's of value or not to me.  I'm supposed to determine from direct experience if I find this to be of value.  Let the question rise, and just see what the effect is.  Put it to the test.  Well, I keep putting it to the test, but it's exhausting.  I guess I can say that it's raised my level of awareness by asking this question — which is what I think is the main point anyway.  But the more I question, the more I question.  The more thoughts I have.  The more I reflect.  And it's an endless cycle.  Maybe being aware is not such a wise thing after all?  Or maybe it's just the beginning of truly "Knowing Thyself."

Plato said that wisdom is a virtue that is innate in all of us.  And wisdom is what ultimately allows for clarity, by illuminating and enhancing our sense of awareness.  So if all that is true, then this exercise is helping me get there: to what is simple, to being present, to recognizing what is true, to knowing myself.