Your Roadmap to Greatness
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OOPS! You Hit Reply All???
It's probably safe to say that everyone has had this email experience at some point in their emailing life — accidentally hit reply all OR replied back to the wrong person….ugh! SO embarassing!
GASP! Suddenly, you're scrambling for that option to take it back…undo…delete…RECALL!!!!! But alas, it's just too late! It's already out there, already landed where it shouldn't be, never to return.
So what should you do now? Run away? Hide under your desk? Say your email address was hacked?
Today & EveryDay: Remember that you can make a mistake at any moment. You are human, after all. Ignoring it, avoiding it, & pretending like it never happened is not a good option. Always be ready to be accountable for everything you do & even everything you don't do. Be ready to explain, apologize, and deal with it. Be ready to Recall what happened with a new Reply.
~NY Muse