Your Roadmap to Greatness

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The Storm Will Pass…


When we're in the middle of a storm like Sandy, it's hard to imagine that the end will ever be in sight.  All we can do is focus on the storm and be stuck in the middle of it with nowhere to go.  It's impossible to take ourselves out of the storm and imagine that it will pass, the rain will stop, the winds will die down, and the calm will eventually return.

But it will.  And it always does.  Because there's never been a storm that didn't pass.  

Use this chance to think about how similar the mental & emotional storms you put yourself through almost daily are essentially the same.  The force of your own inner storms has the power to swamp & sink your heart & mind, dragging you down til you can't imagine you'll ever get back up.  But you do. And you always will.  Because there's never been a storm that didn't pass.

Stay conscious of the unseen forces hiding within you waiting to create the perfect storm.  Don't allow the storm to take hold of you.  Don't lend the storm the force to drag you down.  Remember that the storm has nothing to do with you.  Take yourself out of it.  

~NY Muse