Your Roadmap to Greatness

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  • Facebook Status Update: Day 9

    Yes, it's been 9 long days since I left and learned that there is still life after FB. �

  • Ready for Fall?

    Happy September! An entire summer has passed and it’s just about back-to-school time. It’

  • FB Status Update: Day 5

    I didnt update on my FB hiatus yesterday. Not because I forgot. The truth is that I I’m thinki

  • Are You Stuck?

    Being stuck stinks.  Whether that be stuck on someone, stuck somewhere you don't belong, s

  • FB Status Update: Day 3

    /p> It's only Day 3 since leaving FB, and yet it's already Day 3!  Time is moving slow

  • Journals & Dreams…

    While on Facebook hiatus, I'm finding more time to spend on other sites.  For instance, ye
