Your Roadmap to Greatness
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Daily Affirmation: I AM WONDERFUL!
Say it out loud! I AM WONDERFUL! Aren't I, though? "Full of Wonder?" Yes, I am. And so are you. Always "wondering" about stuff. Thinking, observing, asking, creating, seeing, watching. Looking for things. Looking for "wonderful" things. Aren't we all doing that all the time?
Don't you want/hope/wish/plan for a wonderful life? Because if you can only live once, then it should be WONDERFUL! A wonderful life full of all the things that please you, bring joy & contentment, comfort & satisfaction, love & beauty, hope & wholeness.
So, to have all that, your goal has to be broken down into a daily goal, a minute-to-minute goal that sets you up for constant wonder each moment of the day. The goal has to remain top of mind, even in stresful moments and those less appealing times when, of course, it's much harder to do so. Wherever you are, whatever you do, try to keep this goal of being WONDERFUL with you all the time. SImply start with the daily reminder to try to have a wonderful day. And then, many days and moments can add up to a wonderful life! Day by day. Step by step. One wonderful foot in front of the other.
That is my wish for you! I hope you will take this affirmation and try it out! Learn to activate this wonder within yourself & step into each day willing/able/ready for wonderful things to come!
Go ahead, say it out loud right now: I AM WONDERFUL!